Without sounding like a pessimist, the warmer weather really only makes me think of one thing... mosquito season. Depending on your area, you may experience black flies, horse-flies, or even ticks. 'Tis the season for repellant, but which one will you choose? There is certainly no end to the choices on the market. As a reader of this blog, you know your best bet is to stay natural, and organic. But can you find a product that is all that, while also remaining effective? The answer is yes, and it is a remarkable creme produced by the nice people at SallyeAnder. This No-Bite-Be creme can be found at various retailers online, or at the manufacturer's website. Either way it is a wonderful and effective natural creme, even for pets! The great thing about this creme is that it also works as an after-bite if you forget to put it on before you go out (like me!). THIS summer, camping will finally be fun!