All-Natural Personal Care Market News and Comment

By Sallie

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Balmy Bugs

Without sounding like a pessimist, the warmer weather really only makes me think of one thing... mosquito season. Depending on your area, you may experience black flies, horse-flies, or even ticks. 'Tis the season for repellant, but which one will you choose? There is certainly no end to the choices on the market. As a reader of this blog, you know your best bet is to stay natural, and organic. But can you find a product that is all that, while also remaining effective? The answer is yes, and it is a remarkable creme produced by the nice people at SallyeAnder. This No-Bite-Be creme can be found at various retailers online, or at the manufacturer's website. Either way it is a wonderful and effective natural creme, even for pets! The great thing about this creme is that it also works as an after-bite if you forget to put it on before you go out (like me!). THIS summer, camping will finally be fun!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Shocking Sunscreen Secret

With summer around the corner, the season of sunblock and sunscreen is upon us. What's the difference? A sunscreen is a lotion with an SPF of 2 and higher, while sunblock works to effectively block harmful rays from absorption into the skin and are categorized as lotions with an SPF 15 and higher. When choosing a lotion for you and your family, make sure to read the ingredient list carefully. A particularly harmful ingredient that is found in many sunblocks is benzophenone. This organic compound is used frequently, yet has extensive research has shown that it may not be safe.  While this is not the only ingredient that you need to keep an eye out for (i.e. parabens) it has been the subject of discussion in the scientific community. Your best bet is to stay out of the sun as much as possible. Of course, while this may not be all that practical, consider using a sunhat, or umbrella if you have sensitive skin. Here are two nice organic lip balms that protect the lips from sunburn without clogging pores with SPF.



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