All-Natural Personal Care Market News and Comment

By Sallie

Monday, March 31, 2008

Fad Free Personal Care

The natural skin-care market has exploded. More companies than ever have appeared on the marketplace promising better skin quality, fewer blemishes, and to reduce the effects of aging. But is this just a fad? When looking for a new product, perhaps you should consider a product line that has been around longer than the fad. I found a great company that has been around for over 20 years, and they offer everything from laundry treatments, to anti-aging cremes. Perhaps longevity in the industry is indicative of a superior product line. Check out their website and post a comment with your thoughts...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Blueberries Bring Benefits to Skin-Care!

In the past few years the public profile of the common blueberry has been steadily rising. High levels of antioxidants contained within the skin of the blueberry is the focus of most of the discussion. It seems that not only are they incredibly good for you to eat, but when included in your favorite skin-care product,  they have a wonderful effect on the skin! This so-called 'superfood', contains the highest levels of antioxidants of ANY food. I suppose it should be less surprising that items such as blueberry juice, blueberry infused beauty products have flooded the market. 



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