All-Natural Personal Care Market News and Comment

By Sallie

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Aluminum Alert!

Aluminum is an element that has been proven to harm the body. Internal consumption has been linked to breast cancer, Alzheimer's, and kidney problems. The most common place where we intake aluminum is in our drinking water. Cooking in Aluminum pots and pans is also not recommended because the aluminum is transfered from the cooking vessel to the food. Aluminum toxicity is also well known in the food preparation business. In particular, breweries take care not to brew their beverages in aluminum containers. It doesn't just influence our food preparation, it also appears in anti-perspirants and deodorants. The aluminum in deodorants lodges itself in the pores and absorbs the sweat naturally produced by our body. While it does not permeate the skin, it clogs the pores in an area that is dangerously close to important underarm lymph nodes. I recommend using a natural deodorant crystal made from either ammonium allum, or potassium allum

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Almond Oil: A Great Winter Solution to Dry Skin!

Almonds are delicious, particularly toasted and on some type of pastry. Besides their lovely flavor, the oil derived from almonds is an effective emollient. Emollients are substances that soften the skin and are used to treat dryness and scaling. Not only does almond oil sooth the skin, but it also smells delightful. Many massage therapists use this oil as the base oil for their formulations because it is such a pleasant, easy to spread substance. Here is my favorite line of almond products, they smell good enough to eat!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wonderful Willow

The internal use of White Willow bark for pain relief has been documented to reach back to the era of Hippocrates in the 5th century B.C. White willow is also very useful in maintaining healthy skin. It contains an active ingredient called salicin, which is an anti-inflammatory. Salicylic acid, which is found in many skin-care products intending to treat problem skin, can also be derived from the bark of the White Willow tree. This naturally occurring acid is known as a beta hydroxy acid, a popular type of anti-aging ingredient. Salicylic acid is also useful in the treatment of acne, psoriasis, calluses, keratosis, and dandruff. There are many products available with this naturally occurring ingredient, here are some of my favorites!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Surfactant Confusion: Soap vs. Detergent

Detergent is common in our everyday lives, from the laundry room where we wash our clothes, to the shower where we wash ourselves. Believe it or not, most soap is actually a detergent. While  laboratories manufacture detergents from petrochemicals derived from plants and animals, many small soap companies hand make their soap with fine, natural ingredients, often the actual plants or oils, not chemically created synthetics. With the onset of a global market, the line between soap and detergent is being blurred by the major chemical companies that produce the majority of these products. Because detergents are cheaper to produce, these companies will typically use the same detergent base when producing their "soap". Because these detergents are being marketed as soap for human skin, and because they are reaching a global audience, there is an increase in the percentage of people experiencing allergic reactions to the artificially derived chemical compounds, and or fragrances, contained in "soap". The solution? Handmade, natural soap. A quick Google search lists so many companies to choose from, and so many luxurious natural soaps on the market, all you have to do is find the product that suits you!



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